뷰 본문

It's getting cold. Winter is coming!
These hot Korean street foods are perfect for warming up.

Ho-bbang ("Ho" bun)

Ho-bbang (bbang means "bread" in Korean) is more like a bun. It's usually soft and filled with sweet red bean paste inside.
It's probably the #1 wintertime treat in Korea.

Heart-shaped ho-bbang!
This ho-bbang has a custard filling instead of red bean.

Bung-eo-bbang - Red Bean "Fishy" Bread
Bung-eo-bbang is another sweet bread with red bean filling. It's shaped like a koi fish (don't ask us why!) and it has a delicious, crispy pastry shell.
In the making!

Roasted Sweet Potatos and Chestnuts
These sweet, starchy foods are common wintertime street snacks. Just like the famous Christmas song mentioning chestnuts, there is just something comforting about these roasted, handheld foods.

A "Sweet Potato Stove" on a Korean street.

Fishcake soup
You can survive Korea's freezing winters as long as you have a bowl of fishcake soup to heat you up. :)
There are many, many kinds of fishcake (some contain vegetables as well, some are made from shrimp, squid, or other seafood) but the typical street-side fishcake soup contains one kind of fishcake skewered on a stick for easy eating.
Warning on all these foods: their contents may be hot!
Which food would you most like to keep you warm this winter?

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