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On November 11th, (11/11) Korean's celebrate Peppero Day, a day for gifting the unique treat. Peppero may be more commonly known as "pocky" its Japanese name. It's essentially a stick-shaped biscuit covered in flavored coatings. Chocolate and strawberry are some of the post popular flavors.
Couples will often gift each other Peppero on 11/11, but it's also appropriate to buy some for friends, family, or coworkers.
Peppero comes in boxes found at any Korean convenience store. There are also lots of specialty, handmade peppero that tend to appear around the holiday.

Peppero became more popular after several TV stars participated in The Peppero Game.
The Peppero Game is simple:
Two people start eating from opposite ends of a peppero stick, and try to stop in the middle while still leaving a tiny piece.

Surprise your friends this November 11th with their favorite flavor of peppero!
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